Project Tushti (Supported by Nayara Energy)
Project “TUSHTI” aims to reduce malnutrition in Devbhumi Dwarka district of Gujarat. Project TUSHTI is being implemented in partnership with Government of Gujarat, Nayara Energy, Indian Institute of Public Health, Gandhinagar (IIPH-G) and JSI R&T India Foundation. Child profiling and tracking of underweight children, strengthening health care ecosystem are important strategy of the project to provide need based and quality services to improve the nutritional status in Devbhumi Dwarka district.
Major Objectives of the Project:
- To strengthen comprehensive nutrition improvement systems and practices by facilitating multi-sectoral convergent
- To improve uptake of nutrition services for young children, adolescents and pregnant
- To promote positive behaviour change through a comprehensive Behavior Change Communication package.
- To strengthen health care ecosystem for better care and monitoring the nutrition related parameters in vulnerable
Key Initiatives:
- CMCTs: For the first time in Gujarat, under Project Tushti, Two Child Malnutrition Treatment Centres have been set-up on a public private partnership to provide clinical management and reduce mortality among children with severe acute malnutrition, particularly among those with medical complications. The centres are at Sub-District Hospital Dwarka and Community Health Centre, Bhanvad. A total of 72 children have been admitted in these centers and 39 children have completed treatment which includes 3 follow-ups. (Data as on August 2022.)
- Tushti Poshan Rath: During the second wave of COVID pandemic, owing to the situation, A new approach was planned in subject with CMTC- “Tushti Poshan Rath” which screens the child at field level and identifies Severe Acute Malnourished child and further provides treatment as per the guidelines of Government of Gujarat (CMAM Guidelines) during COVID situation. A mobile van was hired as part of Tushti Poshan Rath. “Tushti Poshan Rath” was rolled out initially in higher concentration areas as defined and will cover every SUW child. “Tushti Poshan Rath” includes Nutrition Assistant and a member from Tushti team along with the necessary equipment’s for anthropometric measurements. Total of 499 children screened so far and 10.4% of SAM children received supplementary nutrition.
- Technology support solutions for Health and Wellness Centres (HWC): Four Health KIOSKs were installed at Vadinar Dispensary, Ran PHC, Bharana Sub center and Verad Sub center. The Kiosk is enabled with e-clinic software which includes demographic detail, chief complaints, associated complaints, medical and surgical history, screening and examinations, provisional diagnosis, medicine, and lab reports. Health kiosk machine at each location is monitored and supervised every month. A total of 6036 beneficiaries have availed services and have been benefitted. (Data from 1st April 2021 to 31st August 2022)
- Samakhya Application: Samakhya, a mobile-based training application was developed to strengthen the skill and to build the capacity of frontline health and ICDS staffs. The application was launched on 29 September 2020. This app was utilized for scheduling, delivering training, and extending follow-up/ supervision support to the concerned users. frontline and midline functionaries of Health and ICDS were trained on topics such as basic health and nutrition, anemia and its prevention, life skills approach and personal development, home based care, infant and young child feeding practices, growth monitoring etc.

Dr. Somen Saha MPH, PhD Associate Prof. Project PI

Dr. Deepak Saxena MBBS, MD, PhD, PDF Prof. and Registrar Co-PI

Dr. Mrunal Mehta B.H.M. S, M.D, PGDHHM, CBT Project Coordinator

Ms. Tanveer Umallawala M.Sc. Foods and Nutrition (Public Health Nutrition) Project Officer (Nutrition)

Dr. Pooja Yadav B.H.M.S Project Assistant

Mr. Jaisukh kachhatiya M.S.W Consultant
Project Activity