Independent Verification Agency for Systems Reforms Endeavours for Transformed Health Achievements in Gujarat (SRESTHA Gujarat)
(Supported by the World Bank and Health & Family Welfare Department, Gujarat)
The Health and Family Welfare Department, Gujarat, with the support of the World Bank is implementing the Systems Reforms Endeavours for Transformed Health Achievements in Gujarat (SRESTHA Gujarat). The SRESTHA-G Program has been principally approved by the Government of Gujarat. The Preliminary Project Report has been approved by the Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of India during the 124th Screening Committee Meeting and was subsequently posed to the World Bank.
The SRESTHA- Gujarat is a five-year Program (2022-2028), across all 33 districts and 8 municipal corporations. This project aims to transform key health delivery systems in Gujarat. Along with building the disease monitoring systems’ capacity, this initiative concentrates on the crucial areas of promoting equality, quality, and inclusivity of basic healthcare services for all teenage girls in the State. The project intends to improve the state’s provision of nutrition services for mothers and children as well as psychiatric and non-communicable illness care. The Project is supported by World Bank through Program for Results (P for R) financing and is highly results-oriented and requires intensified monitoring of delivery of outputs / achievements / results
The Program Development Objective for SRESTHA Gujarat program is “To improve quality, equity and governance of comprehensive primary health care, adolescent girl services, and disease surveillance.”
The program activities are organised around the four Result Areas (RA) which contribute to the PDO. The activities of the SRESTHA Gujarat under the four RA, are to either expedite, augment or enhance the existing government program.
The IVA team comprises members co-terminus with four major priority areas of SRESHTA Gujarat – CPHC, Adolescents health and surveillance. Cross-cutting themes such as composite result framework areas, governance and management capacity will be subsumed under the common action plan.

Prof. Dr. Dileep Mavlankar Director IIPHG MBBS, MD (Community Medicine), MPH, DrPH

Prof. Dr. Deepak Saxena Professor and Registrar MBBS, MD (Community Medicine), MPH, PhD (Epidemiology), Post Doct (Public Health)

Dr. Somen Saha Associate Professor PGDHM (IIHMR), MPH (North Carolina), PhD (Melbourne)